How Much Does a Miller Garage Door Cost?

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How Much Does a Miller Garage Door Cost? GarageDoorSalesNearme.Com | A Miller Garages representative will come to your home and show you samples of all the different color combinations that are available for garage doors. This company offers a variety of high-quality brand-name garage doors that will fit your individual style.

Choose from single doors, multiple doors, carriage-style doors, and even unique specialized garage options. There are many options to choose from, including a variety of glass designs, panels, and handles.

How Much Does a Miller Garage Door Cost?

#Cost With Windows

A standard steel or aluminum miller garage door with windows will set you back between $700 and $1000. Adding windows to a single-car door increases the cost by up to 70%. A two-car door with windows will add an additional 30% to 50% to the overall cost.

The additional cost will vary according to the style and number of windows. Listed below are some factors to consider when deciding on the cost of a miller garage door with windows.

A Miller Garage representative will visit your home and bring color samples to show you what your new door will look like.

These garage doors are made of durable materials and heavy-duty hardware to provide maximum strength and security, and require minimal maintenance.

They come in several different sizes and styles and can be made of both steel and insulated versions. You can also select the type of siding and roof style to match your home. A quality door should last for decades.

#Cost of Garage Door With Handles

You can find different prices for the same door, but the cost of a Miller garage door with handles depends on several factors.

This type of door features heavy-duty hardware and is made to provide maximum strength, security, and low-maintenance.

They come in various sizes, and you can choose from insulated or non-insulated steel models. Additionally, you can customize the type of siding and roof for your door.

#Cost of Garage Door With Performance Hardware

Depending on your needs, a 10-foot insulated steel or wood residential garage door can cost anywhere from $490 to $1100. These doors are great for tall vehicles or storage spaces in the ceiling.

These doors also come with performance hardware and outstanding craftsmanship. You’ll find a wide range of designs and colors to choose from. These doors are also energy-efficient and durable, allowing you to save money on energy bills every month.

Single-panel garage doors are generally less expensive than sectional designs, ranging from $400 to $1,200. Single-panel garage doors slide into the space above a car when opened.

These doors generally feature springs and a strong hinge system, making them safer to use without an automatic opener. Single-panel doors have some disadvantages, however, compared to modern-day designs.

Because of their extension springs, they’re not as safe as modern-day sectional doors, and they may damage your property. Single-panel garage doors, on the other hand, look better on older-style homes and work well with more contemporary residences.

A double-sectioned garage door costs between $1,100 and $3,500. The ideal size for a double-door is 18 feet wide, which gives you more open space.

This type of door is great for larger families with young children or those who need more space in their garage. It can cost from $400 to $1,800 depending on materials and options. You can expect the installation to take two to four hours.

The price of a 16-foot-sectioned garage door is between $650 and $1,500. It features enough space for two smaller cars, and is typically wider than a traditional double-section door, which measures 16’x7′.

While it may be more expensive up front, a larger garage will add to the value of your home, so it’s worth the extra money. You can even opt for a larger one if you don’t need the extra space.

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